Thursday, January 15, 2009

18 kids and crazy

I love Memphis. I think someone is stealing a car outside - or else something very interesting. There was a series of extensive horn beeps (possible alarm noises) followed by some chick yelling "Get the f--- off." Who knows what excitement ensued?

Anyway, that is not the subject of this post. Earlier when I was stalking reading my friend's blog I came across an entry that referenced the Duggar family. If you're not familiar with them they're this psycho-religious family that has their own show on TLC; I do NOT recommend nor condone the viewing of this 18 kids and counting. They're really freaky. So I discovered a link to this page which talks about the oldest Duggar son and his new wife. From what I can gather, this kid proposed to his wife after barely even speaking to her and never having kissed a girl. Which is weird. I'm not really an authority on this, seeing as I can't bring myself to watch the show or even read the entire contents of their weird "Our Story" website. I just thought I should warn you that this show exists so you never accidentally watch it. Also people should know how weird this stuff is.

On a personal note, I dislike the family because they are often compared to the Gosselins, who are religious on an acceptable level and also cute. People say that the Duggar mother has more work than Kate, but they don't think about the fact that Kate has 6 four year-olds. At once. Plus Kate's pretty.

love love love

i love love love love this. also her description is probably more accurate than mine would be, but i love the parts she describes that i remember.

and memphis = so far, so good. except someone is screaming outside my door.

Friday, January 9, 2009

minor update

two things.

1. I saw Doubt. It did not exceed expectations, but I would say it met them. So a plus. As movies in general go I would say 4 stars. As Meryl Streep movies go, only a 3.5. Speaking of movies I also saw They Shoot Divas Don't They? which is easily the worst movie I have ever seen. It's not even like Sleepaway Camp bad as in hilarious. It's just all around awful. On the upside you get to hear Jennifer Beals sing, which is a plus (I heard it's really her). Here's a glimpse.

2. I've gotten very into sign language recently. I use this website. If you buy me an ASL book I'll probs fall in love with you.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I am itching...yes itching, to see this movie Doubt. I'm not sure who doesn't like Meryl Streep, but it's hard for me to imagine any movie with her in it not being good. If you haven't heard about this hopefully fantastic film I suggest you view the trailer below.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


So yesterday I discovered a new singer I really like. By new I mean new to me, you might already know about her. Her name is Feist...I guess that's really her last name but that's what she calls herself. Sometimes she reminds me of Regina Spektor or Ingrid Michaelson. Anyway this song is what got me hooked.

and you may recognize this song from a commercial

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tina Fey's heinous scar

I haven't posted anything in a while, but nothing very exciting (to anyone but me, anyway) has happened recently - until yesterday when I was checking the TVguide website to see if they're going to keep changing the Frasier and Golden Girls times. Anyway I noticed this article about Tina Fey's mystery scar. 
Ever since I read the biography claiming she had a scar (which I had never noticed) I wondered what it was from, especially when she said she doesn't talk about it because it really "bums her parents out." What could it be? Freakish abuse from a Mommie Dearest episode? No.
When Tina was 5, a stranger approached her in her front yard and slashed the left side of her face. That sucks. Mystery solved.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Back at the Hizzy

I'm unexpectedly home. Also I like the word hizzy because my friend has her home number under "hizzy" in her phone. It's funny. Hizzy. Speaking of homes, when you say the plural of house, it really should be hice, if you think about it. Mouse is mice, louse is lice, house is houses...? My house (singular) is officially for sale. Today was its first day on the market and we had 2 showings, 1 tomorrow and 1 sunday. Kill me. This is how they describe it on the website:


Our real estate agent is English, which probably explains why she says charming and maybe even why she can't spell "decorated."