Thursday, January 15, 2009

18 kids and crazy

I love Memphis. I think someone is stealing a car outside - or else something very interesting. There was a series of extensive horn beeps (possible alarm noises) followed by some chick yelling "Get the f--- off." Who knows what excitement ensued?

Anyway, that is not the subject of this post. Earlier when I was stalking reading my friend's blog I came across an entry that referenced the Duggar family. If you're not familiar with them they're this psycho-religious family that has their own show on TLC; I do NOT recommend nor condone the viewing of this 18 kids and counting. They're really freaky. So I discovered a link to this page which talks about the oldest Duggar son and his new wife. From what I can gather, this kid proposed to his wife after barely even speaking to her and never having kissed a girl. Which is weird. I'm not really an authority on this, seeing as I can't bring myself to watch the show or even read the entire contents of their weird "Our Story" website. I just thought I should warn you that this show exists so you never accidentally watch it. Also people should know how weird this stuff is.

On a personal note, I dislike the family because they are often compared to the Gosselins, who are religious on an acceptable level and also cute. People say that the Duggar mother has more work than Kate, but they don't think about the fact that Kate has 6 four year-olds. At once. Plus Kate's pretty.

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